Today I feel myself misanthrope. It doesn’t seldom to me, but today it make me to suffer. I spent wonderful vocation on previous weekend. But it may be more wonderful if somebody doesn’t disturb me by foolish questions, notes and other the same. It was a man, which pretend for date with me. It’s terrible!
It so sorry I haven’t enough English skills for delivering all emotions, which I feel in such cases. Sometimes I think, that I attracting this kind’s of man. People call them losers. It is only my assumption and maybe I exaggerate (I hope it). Where are you, my strong, health, rich, handsome, insolent man, which know what you want and know, how to reach it!?
In additional I feel sick again. In this morning I was in hospital, where I was advised to accept a lot of remedies, for which I already spend a lot of money. And I think, there will be more and more. I again in depression. And I tired again. Sometimes I hate everything! I’m just a misanthrope. Nothing personally!