суббота, 26 марта 2011 г.


I feel come back of my love to everybody and everything!!! I can smile and laugh again!
And also I find that I'm not perfect. This discovery make me happy, because I have many posibilities for improve myself.

вторник, 22 марта 2011 г.


At this moment I have been starting my Blog in English. It is not perfect and sometimes (or often or always) I will be doing a mistakes. But I try!
My target is to make my mind think in English, dream in English, wake up and go to bed with English.
Ok, let’s start.
During previous week and still I was feeling terrible myself. The worst of it is reasons. Exactly lack of reasons. I have everything for happy, but I’m keeping frowning face and muse. I’m feeling tired, but can’t realized why. I write it, because I don’t like to complaint to anybody and it doesn’t help me.
So I think, what today happened, is the apogee of my bad feeling. My mobile telephone died. Exactly, touch screen. I can’t open my contact’s folder, I can’t to call anybody, I can’t to enter to network, I can’t read sms, I can’t anything else. All I can – only take, when anybody calls me. I already had been calling all companies in city, which can to help me. But the minimum term, what they are promised, is 2-3 weeks. I don’t want buy new telephone, but I can’t be without it, while my device is in the repair.
I’m waiting a final of my dark strip. But deep inside I can’t believe it ever will have finished.

суббота, 12 марта 2011 г.


Чем больше я узнаю какие-то факты о Соединённых Штатах Америки, тем отчётливее понимаю, что не в той стране родилась. Возможно, я делаю поспешные выводы, но всё же... ХОЧУ ЖИТЬ В АМЕРИКЕ!Хотя бы какое-то время. Это страна с моим характером и образом мышления.
Я уже перечитала все возможные сайты об этой стране (к счастью, их огромное множество). И теперь я замучиваю вопросами каждого человека, кто жил какое-то время в Америке. Интересуют факты и детали.
Я поставила USA в свой среднесрочный план на жизнь :)